Friday, May 1, 2020

Virtually everything repeats

Gotta try to make this quick before my free time is up, as I listen to Daddy making Baby Girl laugh her little pants off downstairs πŸ˜‚πŸ₯°

It’s been six weeks since we started our lockdown, and so much is still uncertain. Stay at home orders have been modified to last “indefinitely,” facial coverings are required when outside as of today (Thank you to Eliel Cycling, a local cycling clothing company, for making some super cool ones!), and professional cycling has gone virtual, and nobody knows if/when for certain whether another live race will happen in 2020. Perhaps only the Cyclocross calendar has any hope of going on as planned. 

And now, it’s starting to get to Baby Girl. This morning after another virtual Circle Time, she shared some with me some feelings of sadness. In her own sweet 5 year old way, she shared she wants “the cold to go away;” she doesn’t want to do anymore virtual classes, she wants to go back to her classroom and see her friends for real. At that moment, my heart broke and exploded with love and pride at the same time. Sad for my little girl who misses playing with her friends so so much, and so proud of her for being able to recognize and express how she’s feeling about all this.

It’s tough on all of us to visit friends and family through a small screen. To meet with coworkers this way. To celebrate birthdays. To have play dates. To watch cyclist avatars on a screen “race” while real humans are in their garages, bedrooms, patios spinning on a home trainer like hamsters on a wheel for an hour. And yet, at least we have that. At least we can still see these people we care about. What must it have been like in 1918 when those people were quarantined?

My friend Deacon Mike has been posting such great stuff during this lockdown, and he shared a poem last week that I’ve shared with a lot of people and I’m now sharing it on this blog. I leave you with this, food for thought...Straight from his blog:

History repeats itself.
This is a poem written
in 1869 and reprinted
in 1919 during the Spanish Flu Pandemic.

Written in1869 by Kathleen O'Mara

And people stayed at home
And read books
And listened
And did exercises
And made art and played
And learned new ways of being
And stopped and listened
More deeply
Someone meditated, someone prayed
Someone met their shadow
And people began to think differently
And people healed.
And in the absence of people who
Lived in ignorant ways
Dangerous, meaningless and heartless,
The earth also began to heal
And when the danger ended and
People found themselves
They grieved for the dead
And made new choices
And dreamed of new visions
And created new ways of living
And completely healed the earth
Just as they were healed.

Wow ... 1869 ... reprinted in 1919

Some ramblings after a month of lockdown

(Note: I wrote this on 20 April 20 and forgot to post.) Well, it’s been one month now since the state of California went on lockdown, and it feels  more like six. Somewhere not long ago I read or heard “the days feel like months and the months feel like days.” So so true during this lockdown time. The weeks seem to drag on, and by the time we get to Friday we feel like a month has gone by. And we’re exhausted as if the days between the weekends did in fact add up to a month. Crazy.

I made another batch of chocolate chip cookies this weekend—the family favorite comfort food. I’m really trying to be present and mindful to cherish this time we have as a family, and it helps in those tense moments when one of us is close to a meltdown or having a rough day or morning. And we’ve done some fun stuff and laughed a lot. Baby Girl makes me laugh everyday with some of the things she says. 

Things I’m enjoying during this time:
Baking more with our new oven
Getting creative with my little one
Face mask fashion
All the memes to lighten the mood

Predictions we’d never believed six months ago:
Face mask fashion πŸ™ƒ
Selling pot will be labeled an “essential business” 😳
We will all be confined to our homes at the same time, worldwide
Zoom will be a new household name
There will be a “toilet paper run” in all the stores
No Spring Classics (in the Springtime anyway)
It will rain in Roubaix on Easter, and we still won’t have a rainy Paris-Roubaix race πŸ₯΄
No Giro d’Italia
Virtual bike races will indeed happen...with professional cyclists 😡
Villages in India will see the Himalayan mountains from 100 miles away
Pollution in major metropolitan areas will be drastically reduced in a matter of weeks
“Bear hunting” will be allowed in suburban neighborhoods
Riding your bike will become a new favorite everyone in your neighborhood 
Walking your dog will become the highlight of your day

Things I miss most:
Play dates and get-togethers with our MOPS group
Anticipating and welcoming home Daddy after a long day
Baby Girl bringing home her beautiful crafts and drawings from preschool
Surprising her by showing up early to gymnastics so I can watch her

And especially Bike races! 
Man I miss bike races. As a fan going through withdrawals, mourning, whatever this is, I can’t imagine what the riders must be feeling like not being with their teams either racing or training for upcoming races. I’m sure their families are happy to spend so much time with them, though. 

Yesterday Peter Sagan was live on Instagram, and although I missed it, he posted it for later viewing. Thanks for doing that Peter! 🀘He truly is a gem and a wise young man, and the world is a much better place because of him. Even if he did shave his head because his brothers bet he wouldn’t, maybe especially so πŸ€ͺ Why so serious, right? And his Quarantine beard is just smh worthy. But that’s one of the benefits of this time I suppose. You can not shower, shave, or wear pants for days and nobody cares cuz nobody sees you...except for the people who live with you!